Saturday, January 12, 2019

Positive - Project Quilting Season 10.1 Hope Springs Eternal

Here I  am ... busy year, forgot to blog  since last Project  Quilting  Season. I  hope  it won't  be so long  between  posts this year!

Images danced in my brain and a dancer with flowers flowing  was where  the  design  decided  to  go. I  searched  for  dancers and couldn't  find an image  that matched with  my  vision. But I  did  see  other images that changed my direction.

Jumping, rather than dancing, images popped  up  into my design. Now to choose  fabrics ... and thread. I  found  a  variegated thread in purple/pink/blue and chose  a lovely purple fabric  to go with the thread. Auditioning  background  fabrics  brought me to yellow  - Complementary  Colors! High Contrast!
I  made a silhouette  of my jumper and stitched it down on   the background with batting  behind. I  then cut away thebatt behind  the  background - modern   machine trapunto.

As long  as  I  was going for high contrast,  I  decided  to  play wth positive/negative  space. My quilting  flows from bottom  to top, with lots of  different  qilting designs, practicing  different  free motion  designs in tiny  scale. I  didn't  forget  those flowrrs flowing  in my original  design, they ended  up  in  the  quilting!

I  present:
10"X 12 1/2"
Designed, Appliqued & Quilted in Muskegon  MI

So, is the purple  the positve space and the yellow negative space? Or is the highly quilted yellow  the positive and the jumping girl  the negative  space?

The  quilt reminds me  of one of my daughters, when she is happy, she may  not jump, but her mood   sure does!

For more Project Quilting entries click here!