Friday, January 6, 2017

Project Quilting Season 8 Challenge 1

for this challenge,  I  used Dupioni Silk that was purchased  at a local quilt shop ... well, local to my parent's winter place in Florida. I  usually  do  my  quilting  in Michigan, but who can  pass up an opportunity  to  be  in Florida  for a week  in January?

I  made an eight sided snack mat and proceeded  to hand quilt one section  ...  and decided  to machine  quilt  the  rest. Handwork  is not my forte.

I  have  decided to call it "One if by Hand, 7 by Machine"



  1. This made me actually laugh out loud - great piece, hilarious story, and FANTASTIC job with the name! <3

  2. LOL! Fantastic story! So happy you made it work in Florida ;) I have a feeling my snack mat would have been named the same thing!

  3. Thanks for the late night chuckle as I read your post. Handwork is not my forte either...I am impressed you completed a whole wedge...I don't know if I would have that much patience! Fun title too!

  4. I'm glad to see the last cookie (or part of it) made it into the shot as well. LOL

  5. I'm with you on the hand quilting...not for me either! Great project!
