I haven't been sewing this last week ... my first week of college after dropping out 32+ years ago added to two sick family members, followed by my succumbing to the illness made for no time in my Sewing Dungeon *sigh*
On my Design Wall are some old blocks (that little NYB block is at least 10 years old) and some newer blocks.
For some reason, I keep misplacing the indigo blocks, so they are up on the wall until I find the package of indigo fabrics and put them together. Since I am working on going through all of the various things that were stored under and around my quilting frame, I hope to come across the package soon ;)
For some design walls with more recent work, check out the links at Patchwork Times.
I particularly love the flower block to the left.
Hope you are feeling better. Going back to school is a real challenge. Hope you do very well and enjoy it. Sorry your quilting will be taking a backseat though.