Tuesday, March 5, 2013


 Here is the finished quilt, hanging up at the quilt guild meeting :) I had a lot of compliments on the quilt, and I'm so glad I got it done (though if our challenge quilts make it into the show, I'll be putting on the hanging sleeve as well as blocking it properly). Yes, I hope to get better photos later ... I was working on this right up to the minute I left for quilt guild and didn't get a chance to snap a good shot.
I'm very excited about how the boots turned out. And the laces came from the Army Guy's boots, so they are authentic Army laces (he gave them to me, I didn't just take them!) - they just make the boots come alive! And together with the borders made from old uniforms - it just makes me happy.
I found some jewel star buttons to add in the corners (the challenge said we had to use a minimum of 5 jewels in our shoe quilts). I also see a spot where I need to clip some threads *sigh*

Along with putting the poem's name in the border, I also made sure that I didn't leave the poet out.

The poem, Daddy's Boots is by C.J. Heck and can be found HERE. The author has graciously given  permission to use the poem for this quilt.

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