Monday, April 23, 2012

On my Design Wall ~ April 23

I took down the Waterfall quilt because there are not enough hours in my day to get that finished before the movers come and pack us out of here...I will be working on that one again after I get set up in Michigan.

So, I pulled out a quilt top that I have had sitting around for several years. All it needed was a border and I started quilting, ripped out quilting, staring at the quilt to see what it needed in quilting design...and it is still up on the design wall trying to speak to me.

For now, I'm taking wall paper off the walls in the dining room so I can paint the room. AND thinking about where the quilting is taking me on this little quilt...

For more design wall inspiration visit Patchwork Times. There are some great projects linked there!


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. It's wonderful! Enjoy the quilting!

  3. It is a beautiful little quilt. I know it will speak to you soon.

  4. That's a great quilt! I like the way you did the borders!

  5. That is very pretty and a great design. Good luck with the move. Where in Michigan are you going to land?

  6. @ Vicki - the Army is moving us to Muskegon :)
