Monday, April 11, 2011

Design Wall April 11

I put the Father's Day Ties blocks back up. I worked on more of the wedges last week, but now have to cut more and cut the quarter circles for the corners of the blocks. I also figured out that I need to cut a couple more background squares.

The pink block is new. It is for our Guild Challenge. We were each given the Clock fabric and the guidelines say that it has to be under 20" and embellished. I have an idea of where this is going, but I'm stumped on how I'm going to quilt it. If inspiration doesn't strike soon, it'll be a basic quilting design as I still have a couple other design dilemmas to puzzle out on how to get it work.


  1. The ties are great. I love the scrappy look.

  2. I like your challenge quilt. You used their fabric well. Will be interested in how you embellish it: that is something I do little of so I am always checking out what others do.
