Monday, February 21, 2011

Design Wall Monday February 21

My Army Guy spent the weekend at a conference in a hotel. *I* went along and took a project, so I had no interruptions (except for some trips out shopping...couldn't pass up a visit to a Joann's ETC and Ikea) and worked on some postcards for a swap. They won't stay up on my design wall, so here is a picture of them on the ironing board at the Marriot :)

For more Monday design wall inspiration visit Patchwork Times.


  1. Those are adorable! HOw great is it to be alone in a hotel room, sewing, LOL!

  2. Aaawwwwwww. I want one! LOL!

  3. So cute!!

    I have yet to visit an Ikea. I have a feeling it would be a blast...And dangerous! =D

  4. Cute postcards! Alone in a hotel room would almost be like a retreat - especially with room service.

  5. Your weekend sounds great! Love the penguins!!
