Monday, June 7, 2010

Design Wall - June 7

On Saturday I was on a shop hop over in Ohio. Had a great time with other quilters on the bus (and our bus driver is a hoot!). BUT we were caught in some severe weather and spent about 45 minutes in the basement of a quilt shop.  After we left, we saw the havoc wreaked by the tornado/winds, roofs off buildings, large trees completely uprooted, limbs sheared off was nice to have a haven during the storm!

On my design wall this Monday I still have last week's hexagon quilt...just a few rows are sewn together. It looks about the same.

On the bottom of the design wall (hanging off it, actually) I have the first block for the Boybarian's quilt. He chose his quilt a few years back from a magazine. I purchased the fabrics and they have been aging nicely, waiting patiently for me to make them into something. Well, I have ONE block done and am very pleased with it (and so is the Boybarian).

For more design wall inspiration visit Patchwork Times.


  1. Cool block...perfect for a 'boybarian'!

  2. I agree -- great block and super colors. I like it a lot. Thanks for stopping by my blog! Sue

  3. Boybarian looks beautiful - am glad you and your shophoppers are ok!

  4. Very nice block! And wow! What a thrilling Hop you had! Glad all was well.

  5. I like the pattern. Bold, and perfect for the Boybarian! (LOL, love that!)

  6. It looks like it will become a great quilt; keep working and next week we will see more blocks.
