Friday, May 21, 2010

The story of my biggest quilt (so far) & Blogger's Quilt Festival

this quilt was a long time in the process. I fell in love with the pattern in a magazine (Love of Quilting Summer '05 ?) but set it aside as something I couldn't do right then.

I knew that when I got around to making it, wanted to do it in different colors. The colors in the magazine were very pretty, but I wanted to make it mine, not just like the magazine. So I kept it on the back burner of my mind for a long while.

One day, while fabric shopping with my mom, my sister and and aunt or two, some fabric talked to me and I realized I wanted to make it in off white, red and blue scrappy. I went home with a bunch of FQs and bought more everywhere I looked...

I adapted the pattern as I really wasn't excited about the various little stars that Judy Martin had designed into the Jewel of the Prairie pattern. I made them all the same and then I cut back one turn on my Snail's Trail blocks from her pattern as well. Simplifying patterns sometimes helps me finish them :)

I worked diligently on the blocks and even worked harder at matching my points than I had ever done before. I loved what was happening under the foot of my machine! When I moved all the furniture to the edges of the room to lay out my top I just had to stare at it - it was HUGE! It is King Size - glad I have my trusty Voyager or it still might not be quilted!

Then the dilemma of how to quilt it. I'm still pretty uncomfortable with coming up with these elaborate quilting designs that are winning all the big shows. AND I really would like to use it on my bed (still haven't gotten up the nerve), so I didn't want it so heavily quilted that it would be uncomfortable to sleep under. So, I went with one of my favorite freemotion designs, the spiral. I felt this made the quilt I named it The Stars Sing.

I still need to get up enough nerve to put it on my bed. What if it gets ruined by The Boybarian jumping on top of it without taking his shoes off? What if it catches on the swirl detail on the bed and rips? Maybe come winter I'll put this one on...we'll see what My Army Guy says :)

To see MANY, MANY lovely quilts check out Amy's Creative Side Blogger's Quilt Festival:


  1. This is a fabulous quilt! Well done!

  2. Wow, your quilt is bee.u.ti.ful! I hope you decide to put it on the bed so you can enjoy it. (thanks for stopping by my blog and leaving me a comment!)

  3. OMG-this is spectacular! I love red, white and blue and this is not only pretty it has movement and is just lovely-congrats!

  4. Joy, you are amazingly talented! I can only dream of making something this fabulous!

  5. As your page was coming up, I was stunned by the beauty of your quilt!

  6. Simply terrific quilt! Wonderful!

  7. This quilt is amazing! It is definitely one of the nicest red white and blue quilts I have seen! You have done such a great job!!!

  8. This one stopped me dead in my tracks! Stunning quilt!

  9. This is a very striking quilt! How amazing your change to the pattern made this quilt "sing". I hope you get brave enough to let it spend some time on your bed. Thank you for sharing this quilt's story :)

  10. It is a special quilt, I knew it was Judy Martin when I saw it. I love her symmetry. As to the bed, my dad whose mother, MIL, wife & daughter were all quilters, said if it is to look at and not touch, it is not a quilt. Quilts go on the bed. Save some pieces of the fabric some place safe for that inevitable mishap and love that quilt. Think of all the memories.

  11. Love the way you've made this pattern your own with your own colours. I love that snails trail pattern but have only used it a small wallhanging. Beautiful quilting especially such a large quilt. You should use it! Just keep out of the sun so it stays nice and vibrant. Thanks for sharing.

  12. Snail's trail and Stars, what a great combo!

  13. great quilt. I haven't yet made a snail trail quilt but it's on my list...

  14. Wow! Great pattern! You did a lovely job.

  15. I have a hanger on the wall over my bed - So I can still see the quilts that I am not ready to use.

  16. Great job, I have this same magazine with fabric set a side to make this Quilt. Yours looks great in the red, white & blue.

  17. Ooooooh GORGEOUS. One of the prettiest versions of this pattern I have seen.

  18. fabulous quilt!!! I love snail trail and this one is exceptional - the red, white and blues are wonderul and what a pretty blog wallpaper.

  19. Gorgeous quilt - now put it on your bed! It deserves the place of honor, and you deserve to see it. Did you ever read the story of the Velveteen Rabbit? It was only when it was loved to pieces that the rabbit became Real.

  20. Sweetie, I'd put that on my living room wall where everyone could see it! It's stunning!

  21. Lovely Lovely Lovely!!!!!!!!!!!That would be out front and center

  22. Beautiful quilt... but what I really love is the name of your blog!!!!

    Be joyful... always.

  23. What a beautiful quilt! I loved the story with it. I can understand about putting the quilt on the bed...we have dogs, maybe after they go to heaven we can use it on the bed! Elaine

  24. oh my ~ this is fantastic! It shouts 'Freedom' to me :-) I love the quilting, too
    I say use it & enjoy it! The pleasure you get form seeing it every day will be worth mending it on occasion if you need to :-)

  25. so looks like it was really hard

  26. Wow... what a beautiful quilt!

  27. I knew right away it was a Judy Martin design! Have you sent her a photo of it? I know she'd love to see how you changed it and made it your own.

  28. What a graphic quilt-great movement and lots of visual interest. Congrats.
    Come see my antique star quilt entries

  29. You have made a great job making this beutiful quilt!

  30. very nice!! love the colors--always lovely to have red white and blue--very appropriate this weekend! your story is great, too. spent 20 years following my army guy around the nation and germany. he'd love this quilt too. thanks for sharing

  31. It is a terrific pattern- I remember seeing it in Fons and Porter- ( I really like Judy martin's patterns to look at) I love snail's trail and stars combined. Your color choices are terrific- It will look fabulous on your bed.
    Thanks for sharing your gorgeous quilt.
    Regards from a Western Canadian quilter,

  32. I love the way you made this quilt. The colors and quilting are beautiful. Great work!!!

  33. Wow ..... stunning quilt! Like you, I seldom make a pattern exactly as I just have to put my own stamp on it .... you did wonderful with yours.

  34. Thanks for visiting my blog and thanks for the lovely comments. Your quilt is very beautiful. It is very busy yet relaxing I think and the quilting seem gorgeous. Well done!
    Celine in UK

  35. So glad you made this quilt. It is stunning.

  36. Snails trail is my favorite block, but still haven't made one myself. I have seen this pattern before and you have made a beautiful quilt.
