Monday, May 3, 2010

Design Wall Monday: May 3, 2010

The Glory in Scraps blocks are still up on my design wall. I have not done anything with them, just looked at them and moved on to other things. I just haven't felt like digging for the triangles that I need to finish off the other blocks...I know where the HSTs are, but not sure about the triangles.

I did play with the quilt kit I purchased in Paducah. I love the fabrics (I'm a batik fan) but I'm still not sure about piecing curves. Maybe I shouldn't have started out with 3" blocks?

I have 14 more blocks to make and then it will be a nice little quilt :) Maybe not for much more than my enjoyment as I'm not sure how well the seams will all match up!

For more design wall inspiration visit Patchwork Times.


  1. I made a runner using curves pieces-looks like the same block, it wasn't too difficult to piece I think a smaller curve is better than big to start out-too much bias to manuver, I hope you give it a try. The colors are lovely it will be worth the effort!

  2. I made that same quilt after I went to Paducah last year. Although the first couple of blocks were trickey, I loved sewing the rest and it has turned out to be one of my favorite quilts! Makes me want to sew another one when I see your pretty colours!

  3. Kathy, you are right, the first couple of blocks were worse than then next few :) now that I am getting the hang of them I'll hopefully finish it up in the next week or so
