Monday, April 12, 2010

Oh What Fun!

We spent several days away from home last week on an extended field trip. On Thursday we went to the Creation Museum and had a great time. First we wandered in the gardens in the cool will be so much nicer later on in the year...and when the weather is warmer!
We saw these Chameleons and had to laugh as the one walked right over the other one's face - in slow motion. Wouldn't you be bothered if someone walked right over your face?

We also spent time (and money!) in the bookstore...they have such cool stuff!

And we thoroughly enjoyed all of the sculptured animals and people all through the museum. I just couldn't resist taking a picture of the entrance to the bookstore :)


  1. We are going at the end of May!! :-D

  2. have fun, it is great! I now wish we had taken in the planetarium, too...
