Monday, July 27, 2015

The summer is 2/3 over!

I have lots of things I wanted to get done and the summer is flying by! Where is the time going?
On my design wall this morning is an assortment of stuff :) A Row by Row, a Round Robin and my Foucs Through the Prism Challenge piece.
The row is one I designed for a friend's quilt shop. This is called A River Runs Through It and is available at Patches and Petals in Cadillac, MI.
I am participating in a Round Robin and this is the piece I need to work with. I have some ideas of what the next round should be ... but the piece keep telling me other things. I'll have to listen or it won't work out!
AND I have my Focus Through the Prism piece. I need to add a small border to this in case it shrinks when I quilt it as I forgot to add a bit of width to the last round of the outside blocks to account for heavy quilting.

For more design wall inspiration check out Patchwork Times.


  1. Your row by row design is lovely. I love the seasonal trees. Great Round Robin piece, too. We do need to listen to our quilts, don't we?

  2. I LOVE your row by there a theme to the shop's finished quilt? I'm collecting the row by row being done nationwide. The theme is water and some are super cute!

  3. Thanks for the kudos on my row! Patches and Petals is part of the International Row by Row with the theme of water - the shop owner wanted to have a river and seasonal trees in her shop's row (this is her first year to participate, so she missed the seasons theme last year).

  4. I love the row by row too. I've never done a Round Robin and am curious to see what you come up with for the next part.

  5. Lots of pretty projects to keep you busy this week. Have fun!
